Dr. called today and I frantically pulled the phone from my purse. I listened intently and as the dr. went through what the testing has revealed thus far, I was on pins and needles. Continue reading Day 17 – Wonderful News!
Author: jleidun
Days 12-16
Bacca is starting to really perk up. He needs some help getting up and off the couch. Has a hard time getting comfortable at times but not in pain…just hard to find a spot on the cushions where he feels stable. He really prefers to be on the concrete floors. He is getting up to bark and hop to the door when he hears the neighbors’ dogs barking. Also runs around a bit outside when he wants to be the protector. Wondering if this crazy 100 degree heat makes him less interested in being out and about. We’ve taken him on a few short walks. He tires fast. But we also know not to let him keep going as he would wear himself out before he knows it. He is starting to be more playful when we present toys to him as he is laying down and doing some of his tug of war antics.
Day 11 – Bacca the Tripawd Protector
Day 11 Bacca Moving Fast
Tripawd Power!
Day 11 Post Op
Day 11 Post Op
Stitches out and cone off
Dr. so impressed with the healing. He’s free to return to any activity he wants, including running in the back yard and jumping up on the couch. (I’ll post a video of our fast little guy now that he’s going to be leash free in the back yard). Even a bath but don’t tell Bacca he’ll be getting one. He’s so happy and so are we. Dr. said negative for bacteria infection. Still waiting on bone calcification to rule out tumor and no fungal growth yet but that takes up to 3 weeks. Hope to hear re. tumor answer by late next week. Keep up your prayers and healing thoughts. Go Bacca Go!